Alchemilla Herbals is a small business in Northern NSW. Our mission is to empower our community to take their health into their own hands and feel confident about growing, harvesting/foraging and manufacturing their own medicinal preparations.

All medicines on this website have been lovingly handcrafted in small batches. Each product on this website has a story and a living force for you to connect to. All of the plants used are organically grown or wild harvested. We work with what is in season so certain products are only available at certain times in the year.

Have a look at our facebook and instagram pages to see stories of the wild harvest and stories of working with these powerful plants. Check out our store to see what is available to purchase. If you cannot afford any of these items please get in touch and we can work out an exchange. If you would like any recipes/instructions on how to make any of these products then please get in touch. This is all open source- no secrets- no industry competitiveness. It is our belief that with knowledge comes responsibility. Any of our products you can make yourself. Sign up to our newsletter here and check out our patreon here.

Alchemilla was created from a dream of bridging the gap and allowing re-connection. Tuning into plants as our allies we have the opportunity to live in a symbiotic relationship with nature, because we are nature too. What we want is to assist in creating/maintining is a life that is full of deep and sacred connection to all life.


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About the Owner

About Alchemilla Herbals

Tatiana Lustre Dawn aka Twiggy is the owner and manager of Alchemilla Herbals. She is a Mother, Herbalist, Permaculturalist, Lomi Lomi, Reiki and Attunement Therapy Practitioner, Sahumadora, and ceremony facilitator.

Tatiana is passionate about growing, harvesting and making medicines and also has a keen interest in wild/naturalised medicines. She loves connecting people to the plants and also to their own ancestral roots, with her genealogy offerings.

She has been entranced by plant medicine for as long as she can remember and honours the plants as teachers with deep reverence and respect. Ceremonial work is an important aspect of her life and she  works closely with traditional medicine keepers of different lineages. She has a strong calling to learn, carry and teach sacred devotional medicine songs from different cultures. She has have been initiated as a sahumadora and work with fire, smoke and ash for healing, purification and protection.

She believes that with knowledge comes responsibility, so she uses an array of social media platforms and other online spaces to share her experiences and knowledge, as well as regular workshops, classes and an apprenticeship program. Tatiana is a regular guest speaker at many different community events and herbal gatherings around Australia, she writes regular articles for Australian magazines and newsletters, and is currently writing a book about how to grow, harvest/wild harvest and manufacture plant medicine to extract and retain the potency of the herbal constituents.

Tatiana is the founder of The Elder Tree, a not-for-profit organisation which is currently gathering the resources to set up a grassroots herbal education centre on the Atherton Tablelands, Far North QLD. She is also the founder of The Elder Tree podcast which has 4 presenters, each with their own herbal segment.

If you want to know more about The Elder Tree,

You can go to the website:

You can follow and like the Facebook page

And Instagram page

 You can sign up to the mailing list here

You can donate to the crowdfund campaign here 


You can follow and listen on SPOTIFY by clicking here.

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You can find out more about the podcast by clicking here.